Sunday, March 10, 2013


I know it's been a while since I posted outfit shots. It's perhaps because we got so hooked with the other segments of the blog. Anyhoo, here's an old one that's stayed hidden on my folders for weeks now.

It's almost the end of the semester, and here's me taking a break from making my final exam questionnaires. On a happy note, though, summer is almost here! There are actually a lot of reasons why I so look forward to this season. There are the summer getaways with family and friends, Jheck's birthday and our out-of-town trip, no classes (yay!), lesser workload, and (the-not-so-exciting) comprehensive exams and thesis writing for my MBA. Oh, summer! Be good to me, okay?

Sometimes, we see unique beauty in incompatible pieces -- that despite them being made to be inharmonious, each piece seems to be created to complement and augment the other. And this look says all that.

Looks like I still can't have enough of these cut-out booties from Hebe Manila. By the way, they've posted their latest collection, so hurry now and reserve one!

Lace top - thrifted
Skirt - thrifted
Accessories - Jhet's DIY/Gorgeous (a shop in Cebu)
Cut-out booties - Hebe Manila

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