Pre-natal checks come every week at the 36th week mark and you become both anxious and excited. I don't know for some, but no matter how I search my own emotional state, I just could not find nervousness there. I knew that delivering a baby is probably a woman's most painful experience, but somehow the idea of finally seeing that miracle inside your body becomes overwhelming that all other thoughts are shunned from your brain.
On my 36th week, I didn't think I can still manage to wait for a week or two more before D-day. My back pain was killing me. Walking after a day at work is total torture. On the worst days, I had to take a rest for a few seconds after every step and fighting tears all the while. On my 37th week, I decided it's time to avail of my maternity leave.
On the day I was scheduled for pre-natal check, the doctor informed me that I was already 3cm dilated and 80% effaced and that I had to be at the hospital already that night. She performed one more ultrasound to check baby's position and hooked me on the heart monitor. The monitor showed my contractions were still weak and at long intervals when I was admitted.
I was still 3cm, 80% the next day. I was inserted some meds that morning to help me dilate, and was closely monitored. (IEs are total torture!) I still did not show any progress throughout the day. When my OB came to my room that night, she informed me that I'm still 3cm, but already 90% effaced. She said that my contractions will likely come that night and that if they still won't, I will have to be at the Labor Room at 7:00 a.m. the next day for some medical interventions.
Still no contractions came, so I woke up early, took a bath and prepared myself for 7:00 a.m. I even put some make-up on for good measure. Heck, I'm about to take on a very painful experience; but I sure will face it looking gorg! (Teehee!) The midwife promptly fetched me in my room at 7:00 a.m. I was hooked up on IV and what I think was liquid to induce labor. Contractions were still stubbornly MIA for about half the day. The midwife monitoring me (pain scaling and all) became so bored at waiting she fell asleep on the side of my bed. Good thing I brought with me my phone inside the Labor Room so I spent all my pain-free time on Facebook and even closed a deal (through texting) with a couple who wanted the hubby's photography services on their wedding day.
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All made up! Now ready for the Labor Room. #letsdothis |
The day I delivered Baby K was one of the best days of my life. Despite the pain and all the weirdness, seeing that my baby is healthy is such a relief. I always prayed that she comes out naturally and as a healthy baby, which God really answered.
A lot of mothers - colleagues at work, relatives, even random people - told me how painful and traumatic delivering a baby is. They narrated their experiences all with superlatives. This, perhaps, helped me prepare for what was to come. I made myself ready for the worst possible pain that when it finally came, I thought it fell short of what I was expecting. Perhaps, they were only exaggerating. That or I have chosen a good OB. Whatever the case, I am very thankful for that wonderful experience. It was not traumatic as what other mothers claim it would be. In fact, I still want another one soon. At the right time, of course.